Play-dough is there more fun a child can have!! You can make plain uncooked play dough, you can make edible play-dough, scented play dough, colored p
''Play-dough '' is there more fun a child can have!! You can make plain uncooked play dough, you can make edible play-dough, scented play dough, colored play-dough, sand dough…. the list of possibilities is endless!
We’ve compiled this application of play-dough ideas and recipes to help you get started on your play-dough journey. Be creative and create your own.
We provide a useful ideas for playing with play dough all in the one application.
We aim to keep it simple, easy to set up and fun that promotes learning and development through hands-on playing!
We have a collection of play dough recipes, from a basic play dough to scented play dough and theme play dough for Christmas, Easter, spring and so much more. We are constantly adding to this list of recipes!